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Uncovering the Science Behind Chiropractic Care: How Quantum Mechanics Influences Healing

Writer: Dr. ZhuDr. Zhu

It's been a minute since I have written an article! It's usually because I have an imperative within me to share something I think is significant that everyone should know. Lately I have been deeply consumed by the science and understanding of physics of healing. My favorite author/speakers on the subject are Bruce Lipton, MD PhD and Joe Dispenza, DC. I have been reading their books and listening to them speak for near a decade and just recently have come across their new material and lectures and it really resonated with me (the 5th time around). Maybe because I have now a deeper understanding of chiropractic and its profound effect on the body after writing my own health guide (check it out on amazon HERE) and revisiting this information solidifies why chiropractic is so effective at healing with science. For this piece, I'll mainly talk about Dr. Bruce Lipton, but I highly encourage you to check out both of them!

ECW team (and baby Zinnia) with Dr. Bruce Lipton 2023
ECW team (and baby Zinnia) with Dr. Bruce Lipton 2023

Both Drs. Bruce Lipton's work center around how our bodies operate on an energetic and cellular level. They emphasize that conventional medicine and understanding of the human body is based on Newtonian physics but new discoveries find that human physiology obeys laws of Quantum physics. This basically means that before, we thought that matter and physical dictate our health and that we work like machines. If something wasn't working, then like a machine, we could just look at the part, find the thing that's not working, take it out and replace it with a new part and the whole would work like new again. Or that if something wasn't working, and we find it's a chemistry problem, we can just introduce a chemistry solution to change levels and again we would work like new again. I'm sure you could see the parallels with how conventional medicine treats ailments of people today. I'm sure I also don't have to tell you that this has been the primary view and treatment of people in the US and that we are the sickest developed country despite spending the highest amount on healthcare.

So clearly, we're missing something! That something, according to Dr. Lipton is the understanding that quantum physics is a bigger umbrella over Newtonian physics, and it takes into consideration particle and wave energy. I don't claim to be a physicist, and truth be told, I hated physics back in school. So to put it simply, we need to ALSO consider that there is an energetic aspect to our physiology. It makes sense, when you think of energy as waves. We can't see them, but we know that they exist in us. For example we give off heat, and heat is energy. We know that we make energy with ATP and the Kreb's Cycle (biochemistry for you). We even take advantage of vibrational properties in diagnostic tools like ultrasound imaging (using sound waves to see images of physical organs inside the body) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging- using radio waves and magnetic energy to see images of physical organs in the body). Most recently, thermography is also using heat waves in diagnostic imaging to discern certain cancers in the body.

So clearly, there is a growing understanding of quantum mechanical properties and the human body, but it's limited to imagery. Useful, but what about in actually healing a person? For that we need to also consider that we are a community of trillions upon trillions of cells. And that our cells communicate and operate through perception of environment. So the health of the person is dependent on the health of the cell and the health of the cell is dependent on the cell's perception and adaptation to its environment. The big picture here is that if we are a community of cells, then we need to make sure our community is healthy, and they are healthy when they can accurately perceive their environment and adapt accordingly to be in harmony with the environment. So our health is dependent on our perception of our environment.

Now here's where we put this all together to get to the heart of why chiropractic care works and works so well. Quick recap on what chiropractic care is and why it's different from other "alternative" healthcare treatments out there (I put alternative in quotations because based on the info sharing with you in this article, I believe that chiropractic should be mainstream)-we focus on the condition of the spine so the delicate nerves that travel back and forth have open and free channels to work properly. We do that by detecting subluxations (poorly functioning segments of the spine that irritate the nerves) and delivering precise adjustments to those subluxated segments. When we make an adjustment, we are 1. transferring energy to the body to positively alter the mechanics 2. stimulating the body's ability to perceive it's environment. These are 2 properties that are in sync with human physiology and done naturally, without drugs, without surgeries, without injections. I know that I don't go into super detail of all the nuances that go into an adjustment, but what I can say is that it takes a high level of skill and training to be able to properly detect subluxations and even higher skill to effectively adjust them to change neurology, tone, and perception. I can confidently say that there's no other healthcare provider or modality that can do what chiropractic can do for the body. That's because no other discipline spends the time and effort that we do to improve nerve perception at it's source- the spine.

In the lecture that we were pictured in with Dr. Bruce Lipton, he stated that chiropractic was one of the most scientifically sound and was most synergistic in principles in healing to human physiology. There was a lot leading up to that statement, but it was the big takeaway, and coming from a medical doctor who had no idea what chiropractic even was! Anyway, I thought that this was pretty cool and since I am currently listening to his lecture series "The Wisdom of Your Cells," I thought I'd just share some of these concepts with you. Fun Fact: in this lecture series, he actually includes chiropractic principles (but doesn't credit chiropractic... I forgive him though). The first is that movement is life (duh!), and the second is that there are only 3 causes of altered cellular adaptation that lead to maladaptation and dis-ease: trauma, negative thoughts, and toxicity. <--BASIS OF CHIROPRACTIC SINCE 1895!!! So he has married principles of chiropractic and incorporated it with his teachings! It's only fair I do the same! =)



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